Atlfast AntiKt

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AntiKt is the new official ATLAS algorithm, despite it currently not being used in the standard reconstruction.

Producing AntiKt TruthJets and outputting them into an AAN can be done like this:

from JetRec.JetGetters import *
make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt', 0.4, 'Truth') 
from JetRec.JetRecConf import CBNTAA_Jet
from JetRec.JetRecConf import CBNTAA_JetTool
JetTool2 = CBNTAA_JetTool("JetTool")
Jet2 = CBNTAA_Jet("CBNT_AntiKt4TruthJets")
Jet2.InputJetCollection = "AntiKt4TruthJets"
Jet2.BlockTag = "AntiKt4TruthJets"
Jet2.Tools = [ JetTool2 ]
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()
topSequence += Jet2

Regarding Atlfast reconstructed jets, it seems to be more complicated. There is AntiKt stub code in Atlfast, Athena Release 15.X, but it doesnt seem to be complete.

--fruehr 13:45, 14 May 2009 (UTC)