Pbsjob template.sh
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#! /bin/zsh # # Template for Torque or PBS (Portable Batch System) script # # Remarks: a line beginning with # is a comment; # a line beginning with #PBS is a pbs command; # commands are upper/lower-case sensitive. # # Usage: submit job with # qsub pbsjob.sh # this template cannot be submitted directly! # #=========================================================================== # PBS Job Parameters # All parameters start with #PBS, so that the shell ingores them, # but the PBS server reads them! The parameters have to be defined before # any shell executable line appear. #=========================================================================== # # Job name (default is the name of pbs script file) #PBS -N job_name # # The standart and error output of your job is normally written to special # files in the job working directory and get delivered back to the directory # where the job was submitted from after it's finished. You can change them # with the following two settings. You can provide absolute path names or # relative to the submission directory. # # Path/filename for standard output. Default: [job_name].o[job_id] #PBS -o myjob.out # # Path/filename for error output. Default: [job_name].e[job_id] #PBS -e myjob.err # # If you submit jobs from an external host, PBS will try to deliver output # and error files back using scp from root account. Hence, you have to allow # root from stud to login to root at your machine without password. # This can be avoided if you request the files to be put on stud: #PBS -o stud.kip.uni-heidelberg.de:/data/users/einstein/jobs/lastjob.out #PBS -e stud.kip.uni-heidelberg.de:/data/users/einstein/jobs/lastjob.err # # Queue name (e.g. Instant, Short, Medium, Long, Eternal). Default: Medium #PBS -q queue_name # If the default PBS server is not set on your machine, then type instead #PBS -q queue_name@stud.kip.uni-heidelberg.de # # There are two different ways to set the default server on your machine: # 1. Set the shell environment variable PBS_DEFAULT, like: # export PBS_DEFAULT=stud.kip.uni-heidelberg.de # Put this line into your ~/.profile or /etc/profile.d/pbs.sh # 2. Put the server name into the file: /var/spool/pbs/server_name, like: # echo stud.kip.uni-heidelberg.de > /var/spool/pbs/server_name # # Execution host (this option increases job standby time. Better remove it!!!) #PBS -l host=mare05.atlas-farm.kip.uni-heidelberg.de # # Send me e-mail when job begins - rarely needed #PBS -m b # Send me e-mail when job ends - usually desirable #PBS -m e # Send me e-mail when job aborts with an error - usually desirable #PBS -m a # Or collect several e-mail options together: #PBS -m ae # # Send e-mail not to me at the submitting host but to some other address(es): # Specify this ALWAYS, as the correct mail delivery on stud is not guaranteed! #PBS -M einstein@kip.uni-heidelberg.de,bohr@cern.ch # # Do not rerun this job if it fails #PBS -r n # #=========================================================================== # PBS Environment Variables #=========================================================================== # # When a batch job starts execution, a number of environment variables are # predefined, which include: # # Variables defined on the execution host. # Variables exported from the submission host with # -v (selected variables) and -V (all variables). # Variables defined by PBS. # # The following reflect the environment where the user ran qsub: # PBS_O_HOST - the host from which you ran the qsub command; # PBS_O_LOGNAME - your user ID where you ran qsub; # PBS_O_HOME - your home directory where you ran qsub; # PBS_O_PATH - the PATH environment variable where you ran qsub; # PBS_O_SHELL - your SHELL environment variable, where you ran qsub # PBS_O_MAIL - the MAIL environment variable of the submitter # PBS_O_WORKDIR - the working directory, from which you ran qsub; # PBS_O_QUEUE - the original queue you submitted to; # PBS_QUEUE - the queue the job is executing from; # PBS_JOBID - the job's PBS identifier; # PBS_JOBNAME - the job's name; # PBS_NNODES - the submitter's "size" resource request; # PBS_ENVIRONMENT - is set to PBS_INTERACTIVE or PBS_BATCH. # #=========================================================================== # Unique Directory on the Scratch Disk #=========================================================================== # # The unique directory for a job is created automatically # in: /scratch/pbstmp.${PBS_JOBID} on the execution host. # The subdirectory is removed after the job finished. # The total amount of data in this directory must not exceed 20 GB! # cd /scratch/pbstmp.${PBS_JOBID} # #=========================================================================== # Fetch Your Files if Necessary #=========================================================================== # # This can be anything: sources, executables, input, steering etc. # scp stud:path_name/filename . # # Or from an NFS-mounted directory: # cp /data/x01/users/${LOGNAME}/filename . # # It is better to copy big files to the local directory, than # to access the remote mounted directory during the execution. # This speeds up the execution, reduces the network traffic, # and protects against possible network problems due to the job execution. # #=========================================================================== # Make the Executable if Necessary #=========================================================================== # /usr/bin/make exec_file_name # #=========================================================================== # Initialise ATLAS ATHENA Environment if Necessary #=========================================================================== # source /atlas/athena/11.2.0/setup.sh source /atlas/athena/11.2.0/dist/11.2.0/Control/AthenaRunTime/AthenaRunTime-00-00-06/cmt/setup.sh # #=========================================================================== # Run the Job #=========================================================================== # ./exec_file_name parameters < steer_file > output_file 2> error_file # # If you do not redirect the output and the error output # they will be collected in the job output and error files, # specified by the PBS option -o and -e (see above). # If you write 2>&1 then the error output is written to the same file as # the standard output. # # The input file steer_file is read at the moment the executable starts, # i.e. when the job starts running. This can happen much later after # the job was submitted. If you change the steer_file in between, the # changed version will be read. Alternative: read standard input not from # a file but from this script: # ./exec_file_name parameters <<EOF > output_file 2>&1 steering parameters more steering parameters, whatever the executable needs etc. EOF # # Instead of EOF, any other word can be used to mark the beginning # and the end of the input text block. The advantage of this method is # that the text is saved during the job submission. # # For ATHENA jobs the job options file can be given as a shell parameter. # It is convenient to make a copy of this file for each job in the scratch # directory and move it at the end of the job to the output directory: # cp /data/x01/users/${LOGNAME}/my_job_options.py my_job_options_${PBS_JOBID}.py athena.py my_job_options_${PBS_JOBID}.py > athena_${PBS_JOBID}.out 2>&1 # #=========================================================================== # Dispose the Output #=========================================================================== # # Here you copy back the results, the output_file, error_file etc. # scp resulting_file_name host:destination_path_name # # Or to the NFS-mounted directory: # cp ./output_file /data/x01/users/${LOGNAME}/ # # For ATHENA example, move job steering and output files: # cp my_job_options_${PBS_JOBID}.py athena_${PBS_JOBID}.out /data/x01/users/${LOGNAME}/ # #=========================================================================== # Clean-up #=========================================================================== # rm -f ./mylocalfiles #