
From KIP Wiki

Vidyo at CERN

Vidyo allows users to make point-to-point calls or multipoint videoconference meetings from their desktop machines, tablets and smartphones, H323/SIP equipped meeting rooms and from traditional phone lines. Read more about at CERN

Test your vidyo-client without user account (as guest):


or with this direct link (if still available) :


This is also the place where you can download the client software called VidyoDesktop .

Vidyo-Client for Linux

If you like to use the VidyoDesktop on Linux and you are inside the KIP-Network, you need to establish a connection (e.g. to the CERN Vidyoportal) over KIP-VPN-INTERN - Virtual Private Network (because of firewall security reasons). In this case the procedure is as follows.


First check if KIP-VPN-INTERN is enabled for your account / username. This can be queried here: https://portal.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/account

There should be a message that says: " This account is authorized for the usage of KIP-VPN-INTERN. "

If this is not the case, please send an email to: edv@kip.uni-heidelberg.de with a request for activation. Otherwise, you can go ahead with the installation of the OpenVPN-Software.

OpenVPN Installation

1. For Debian and Ubuntu Distributions the OpenVPN-Client-Package is in the repository and can be installed with:

aptitude install openvpn

2. Download and extract the kip_vpn_intern.zip Archive.

Copy the config-file: kip_vpn_intern.conf and the folder: certs to the configuration directory: /etc/openvpn

You can also place the kip_vpn_intern.conf wherever you want, because you have to specify it as an option.

To start OpenVPN enter (as root or prepend sudo):

openvpn /your-path-to/kip_vpn_intern.conf

OpenVPN with Networkmanager

coming soon...