MEEP on the cluster

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Revision as of 08:40, 19 January 2023 by Marku (talk | contribs) (Created page with "To run MEEP on the cluster, best write a bash script with a slurm header (read the doc or ask someone for a template) Copy your to the cluster and type the comman...")
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To run MEEP on the cluster, best write a bash script with a slurm header (read the doc or ask someone for a template)

Copy your to the cluster and type the command:

srun -p einc singularity exec --app dls /containers/testing/c15874p15_2022-11-30_1.img mpirun -np X* python3

  • X: if you use a bash file with a slurm header make sure to put the same value for X as for "--cpus-per-task"