
From KIP Wiki

Generelle Installationsanweisungen und Anmerkungen:

Download: KIP-AFS_Windows-Installation Script (.bat-script in .zip-file)

This script will automatically download, install and configure all needed software for you.

IMPORTANT: During the installation process you will be asked for the AFS-Cell: kip.uni-heidelberg.de

On Windows > 7 you need to run this script with Administrator privileges: right click on the file and select "Run as administrator"

On Windows 10 you have to enable the version 1 of the SMB protocol by opening "Turn Windows features on or off" and selecting "SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support". (Bzw. "Unterstützung für die SMB 1.0/CIFS-Dateifreigabe" in der Box "Windows-Features", die über "Programme und Features" in der Systemsteuerung aufgerufen werden kann.) If the feature is not available in the features list you have to open the "PowerShell" as Administrator. There you have to install it with "Get-WindowsOptionalFeature –Online –FeatureName SMB1Protocol" and activate it with "Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol" (Microsoft Docs).

If it's not possible to download the files from the fileserver you probably have to check this discussion: "You can't access this shared folder because your organization's security policies block unauthenticated guest access"

→ Guide for Windows 10 Home

Upgrade auf Version 1.7.XX:

Beim Upgrade von Version kleiner / gleich 1.6.xx - bitte den alten Client deinstallieren!

Ab Version 1.7.X arbeitet der AFS Client für Windows mit einem nativen Filesystem Treiber und nicht mehr wie bisher über die Funktion SMB/Loopbackadapter. Deshalb ist es notwendig bei einem Upgrade des Clients auf Version 1.7.XX, und zwar nach der Deinstallation des Clients, den Loopbackadapter zu entfernen. Dies funktioniert am Besten über:

Eigenschaften des Loopbackadapters > Karteikarte Treiber > Deinstallieren/Entfernen 

Dieses Fenster findet man entweder im Gerätemanager, oder unter Eigenschaften von Netzwerk.

Installation des AFS Authentication Gui Tool, Installation ohne Kerberos/Heimdal:

Damit man auch ohne Kerberos oder Heimdal einen Token erzeugen kann, gibt es immer noch die Möglichkeit das AFS Authentication Tool zu installieren. Hierfür ist es notwendig die Installation manuell/custom durchzuführen, und die Auswahl der einzelnen Programmteile wie folgt zu treffen:

AFS Options


To access the AFS-Server you need to download and install the appropriate OpenAFS and Kerberos Software (sometimes tricky), or use this

KIP-AFS_Windows-Installation Script (.bat-script in .zip-file)

which automatically downloads, installs and configures all needed software for you.

NOTE: The AFS-Cell is: kip.uni-heidelberg.de

Use only for a fresh installation, or uninstall the old client-software completely first!

Remove also the Loopback Adapter, if present in the Device Manager.

On Windows7 you need to run this script with Administrator privileges: right click on the file and select "Run as administrator"

HowTo: Uninstalling the Microsoft Windows Loopback Adapter

OpenAFS for Windows depends on a third party Kerberos 5 implementation for network authentication.

There are two supported options: MIT Kerberos for Windows and Heimdal Kerberos. For Windows7 64 Bit better use Heimdal Kerberos on all other Systems the MIT Kerberos works well.


For the latest releases visit the Homepage OpenAFS for Windows

Download for 32-bit Windows

Downloads for 64-bit Windows

Both installers must be installed on 64-bit systems

>> Kerberos (MIT)

Kerberos for Windows already includes Network Identity Manager

For further information and latest releases see: MIT Kerberos for Windows (KFW)

Download for 32-bit Windows

Download for 64-bit Windows

>> Kerberos (Heimdal)

For further information and latest releases see: Heimdal Kerberos 5

Download for 32-bit Windows

Download for 64-bit Windows

For Heimdal Kerberos you also need to install the Network Identity Manager

>> Network Identity Manager

Network Identity Manager version 2.0 is its own distribution that upgrades the Network Identity Manager components installed by KFW (MIT-Kerberos).

For further information and documentation see: Network Identity Manager Homepage

Achtung.svgThis Download is only needed if you like like to use Heimdal-Kerberos

Download for 32-bit Windows

Download for 64-bit Windows


Kip afs mit.PNG

Kerberos Setup

Example installation with MIT Kerberos for Windows

Kip afs mit2.PNG

Kip afs mit3.PNG

When you use the Installation-Script, you can leave the Option:

  • "Use existing configuration files ..."

checked, even if no previous Kerberos-Software-Setup has taken place.

Kip afs mit4.PNG

Kip afs1.PNG

OpenAFS for Windows Setup

Related config files under: http://printer.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/afsconfig

Kip afs2.PNG

Important step here! Do NOT omit ;)

Set the Dafault Cell to:


AFS setup on macos

-> you can find a very good guide on the page of The University of Edinburgh.


Kip afs login.PNG

After installing the AFS-Software you need to:

If the authentication was successful, you are able to access your data by

mapping a network drive:

  • Click: Start > Computer > Map network drive (in the tool-bar)
  • In the "Map Network Drive window" choose an available drive letter from the drop-down list and type the name of the folder to map.

The folder can be any (accessible) path starting with \\afs


( the shortcut \\afs\kip is also possible )

  • for the top level view: \\afs\kip.uni-heidelberg.de
  • for your Home directory: \\afs\kip.uni-heidelberg.de\user\<USERNAME>

Click the "Reconnect at logon" checkbox if this network drive should be mapped permanently.

You can map multiple folders to different drive letters, in order to organize a quick and convenient file access.

It is also possible to access the data temporary (on the fly) without dedicated drive-mapping by typing: " \\afs\kip\<your_location> " in the explorer address bar.