Board No. 1

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Revision as of 08:56, 24 October 2019 by Fherr (talk | contribs) (Created page with "SQUID-Cryo array-board No. 1 Chips currently on the board (2019-10-24) Fingers of the board are pointing down, the chips are named from left to right. - HDSQ10w1-2B13 - HDSQ1...")
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SQUID-Cryo array-board No. 1 Chips currently on the board (2019-10-24) Fingers of the board are pointing down, the chips are named from left to right.

- HDSQ10w1-2B13 - HDSQ10w1-4A1 - HDSQ10w1-1D13 - HDSQ10w1-3A16 - HDSQ10w1-4B13 - HDSQ10w1-1A1