
From KIP Wiki
Revision as of 16:28, 31 January 2018 by Tboehm (talk | contribs)

Nextcloud is the follower of Owncloud and offers the sharing of files on a webserver. The server of KIP ist nextcloud.kip.uni-heidelberg.de. To use it for sharing files you have to login with your KIP-account. For users from outside it is not possible to login but you can share files with them by sending them a special link that allows the download for everybody for a special time and - if necessary - secured by a password.


If you like to access your files from a Linux-station by WebDAV you have to look for the link by clicking on "Settings" on the left bottom off the Web-Frontend. Then a WebDAV-link is shown and you can copy it to your explorer/terminal and replace https:// by davs://. Now you have to login to mount your nextcloud-folders.

On the terminal you can mount your WebDAV-folder after installing davfs2 with "sudo mount -t davfs https://nextcloud.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/nextcloud/remote.php/webdav /media/nextcloud".

some very easy things

upload and download files

To upload a file just select the directory you like to save it in and click the plus-symbol on the top. After that click on upload file and select the file from your local disk. To download a file/directory you have to click on the three dots in the same row as the name on the right side an choose "download".

creating a directory/folder

If you like to create a directory/folder for some files - for example of a project - you just have to do almost the same as on a PC: You have to click on the plus symbol at the top and select "New Folder". Then you have to give the directory/folder a name by entering it to the textbox and confirm it by pressing enter.

create a text-file

The cloud-system also allows you to create a text-file directly with the webpage. To do that click on the plus-symbol and select "New text file". After entering a file name for the new file a text box is shown in what you can type in a text and save it.

delete files/directories

To do changes to files/directories you have to click on the three dots on the right side of the line and chose it. It's possible (similar as with the file-explorer on your local pc) to

  • show some details
  • rename it
  • move it
  • download it
  • delete it